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Wordpress updates nginx and php fm

wordpress meta

title: 'WordPress updates nginx and php-fm'
date: '2016-12-10T12:39:08-06:00'
status: publish
permalink: /wordpress-updates-nginx-and-php-fm
author: admin
excerpt: ''
type: post
id: 1003
    - PHP
    - Wordpress
tag: []
post_format: []

I recently changed to php7 and some time later I realized updates is not working. Prompts for ftp permissions. This fixed it for me.

# diff /etc/php-fpm-7.0.d/www.conf /tmp/www.conf 
< user = nginx
> user = apache
< group = nginx
> group = apache

# service php-fpm restart
Stopping php-fpm-7.0:                                      [  OK  ]
Starting php-fpm-7.0:                                      [  OK  ]

Probably don't need below if above is correct.

# tail -1 /sites1/blog/web/wp-config.php
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');