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Virtualbox guest additions shared folders

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title: 'Virtualbox Guest Additions Shared Folders'
date: '2019-03-19T09:57:37-05:00'
status: publish
permalink: /virtualbox-guest-additions-shared-folders
author: admin
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id: 1327
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This may help someone so I am jotting down an issue I had. On some Linux flavors you may see the Virtualbox Guest additions shared folders not auto mounting on your desktop. I have seen this before but recently this was on Linux Lite for me.

The issue is that systemd is not starting the vbox-service. I am not sure if this is the best fix but for now I removed systemd-timesyncd.service from the Conflicts section in the unit file as shown below.

Also note that I completely purged the v5.x guest additions that came standard and installed v6 from the guest additions ISO.

``` # pwd /lib/systemd/system # diff vboxadd-service.service /tmp/vboxadd-service.service 6c6 < --- > systemd-timesyncd.service
</div>**Update 3/29/19:**

Above option means the unit file change will be reversed when you update the guest additions. So another option for now is to disable systemd-timesyncd.service. Not sure if that breaks the guests time sync but sounds like virtualbox guest additions sync time with the host anyhow.

<div class="wp-block-syntaxhighlighter-code ">```

# systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd.service
Removed /etc/systemd/system/