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title: 'Bash array json restic snapshots and jq'
date: '2019-11-23T10:34:15-06:00'
status: publish
permalink: /bash-array-json-restic-snapshots-and-jq
author: admin
excerpt: ''
type: post
id: 1431
- restic
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title: 'Bash array json restic snapshots and jq'
date: '2019-11-23T10:34:15-06:00'
status: publish
permalink: /bash-array-json-restic-snapshots-and-jq
author: admin
excerpt: ''
type: post
id: 1431
- restic
tag: []
post_format: []
As you know bash is not ideal with multi arrays. Frequently I find myself wanting to read something like json into bash and loop over it. There are many ways to do this including readarray etc. I found this to work best for me. Note json can have lists so I collapse those with jq\'s join. Example:
cat restic-loop-snaps.sh
function loopOverArray(){
restic snapshots --json | jq -r '.' | jq -c '.[]'| while read i; do id=$(echo $i | jq -r '.| .short_id') ctime=$(echo $i | jq -r '.| .time') hostname=$(echo $i | jq -r '.| .hostname') paths=$(echo $i | jq -r '. | .paths | join(,)') tagss=$(echo $i | jq -r '. | .tags | join(,)') printf %-10s - %-40s - %-20s - %-30s - %-20s\n $id $ctime $hostname $paths $tags done }
loopOverArray ````
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